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(p)repair is a project to help people reduce their consumption of products. Firstly, we bet on building a mobile application. You can read more in the project’s manifesto.
This article is part of the Migration to Ash series. Click for the summary, or just pick what you want here!
For more context, read our previous article: Migrate Ecto Schemas into Ash Resources (1/3)
To recap, our goal now is translate all our Ecto Schemas into Ash Resources.
It has to be done the good way, that means if we go in a brand new Ash project, we paste inside all our Ash Resources, when we will run the command
mix ash.codegen <name_of_the_migration>
and then the command
mix ash.migrate
we should obtain a database with the same tables, indexes and references than our current project database, in its state before the migration to Ash.
Code snippets and comments
We will go together with our real Ecto Schemas.
As we will not copy all our Schemas in this post, we will take our Product example.
Our Ecto Schema Product is located at this path: lib/prepair/legacy_contexts/products/product.ex
If you read our previous [Add “legacy_contexts” and “ash_domains” folders]((p)repair / Blog / Migration to Ash series / Add “legacy_contexts” and “ash_domains” folders) article, you should understand.
And we create our new Ash Resource Product at this path: lib/prepair/ash_domains/products/product.ex
Ecto Schema example
Now lets see how looks like our Ecto Schema Product.
Note it is quite verbose at some times, because I like doing it to understand what I do, and maybe later I cut off some code lines that represents default options.
defmodule Prepair.LegacyContexts.Products.Product do
use Ecto.Schema
alias Prepair.LegacyContexts.Notifications.NotificationTemplate
alias Prepair.LegacyContexts.Products.{Manufacturer, Category, Part}
alias Prepair.LegacyContexts.Profiles.Ownership
import Ecto.Changeset
@required_fields [
@fields @required_fields ++
@derive {Phoenix.Param, key: :id}
@primary_key {:id, Ecto.UUID, autogenerate: false}
schema "products" do
belongs_to :category, Category,
foreign_key: :category_id,
references: :id,
type: Ecto.UUID
belongs_to :manufacturer, Manufacturer,
foreign_key: :manufacturer_id,
references: :id,
type: Ecto.UUID
many_to_many :parts, Part,
join_through: "product_parts",
join_keys: [product_id: :id, part_id: :id],
on_replace: :delete
many_to_many :notification_templates, NotificationTemplate,
join_through: "product_notification_templates",
join_keys: [product_id: :id, notification_template_id: :id],
on_replace: :delete
has_many :ownerships, Ownership,
foreign_key: :product_id,
references: :id
field :part_ids, {:array, Ecto.UUID}, virtual: true, default: []
field :notification_template_ids, {:array, Ecto.UUID},
virtual: true,
default: []
field :average_lifetime_m, :integer
field :country_of_origin, :string
field :description, :string
field :end_of_production, :date
field :image, :string
field :name, :string
field :reference, :string
field :start_of_production, :date
timestamps(type: :utc_datetime)
@doc false
def changeset(product, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, @fields)
|> validate_required(@required_fields)
|> unique_constraint([:reference, :manufacturer_id])
Ecto Migration example
I will also put in here our Ecto Migration file which corresponds to this Product creation in our database, a while ago.
Why do I put this file here? Because some information it contains are NOT part of the Ecto Schema, but they will have to be part of our Ash Resource, because don’t forget it, Ash will generate future migrations for us from our Resource definitions, so everything that occurred by the past in the database have to be translated into our Ash Resources. In short terms, we want our Ash Resources to be aligned with our already existing database definitions.
defmodule Prepair.Repo.Migrations.CreateProducts do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:products) do
add :name, :string
add :reference, :string
add :description, :string
add :image, :string
add :average_lifetime_m, :integer
add :country_of_origin, :string
add :start_of_production, :date
add :end_of_production, :date
add :manufacturer_id, references(:manufacturers, on_delete: :delete_all)
add :category_id, references(:categories, on_delete: :delete_all)
timestamps(type: :utc_datetime)
create unique_index(:products, [:reference, :manufacturer_id])
create index(:products, [:name])
create index(:products, [:manufacturer_id])
create index(:products, [:category_id])
Ash Resource example
Start of the description
To start the migration of this Ecto Schema, into an Ash Resource, we will start at the basis:
defmodule Prepair.AshDomains.Products.Product do
use Ash.Resource, ### <- We start by declaring our module as an Ash Resource
domain: Prepair.AshDomains.Products, ### <- We also need to say which Domain will manage this Resource,
### think of a Phoenix Context, it’s a kind of "API"
data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer ### <- Then, we need to define our data layer, which for us is
### AshPostgres
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Notifications.{ ### <- All the rest are just the same aliases we used before
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Products.{Category, Manufacturer, Part, ProductParts}
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Profiles.Ownership
postgres section
Now, we can add our first section, corresponding to our data_layer
, so in our case it is postgres
defmodule Prepair.AshDomains.Products.Product do
use Ash.Resource,
domain: Prepair.AshDomains.Products,
data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Notifications.{
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Products.{Category, Manufacturer, Part, ProductParts}
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Profiles.Ownership
postgres do ### <- This is the start of our 'postgres' section
table "products" ### <- This is the name of our table. You can see it’s the
### same as it was defined in our Ecto Migration file.
repo Prepair.Repo ### <- This defines which database repository to use
references do ### <- This is the start of the references sub-section
reference :category, on_delete: :delete ### <- This is a reference description
reference :manufacturer, on_delete: :delete
end ### <- This is the end of the references sub-section
custom_indexes do ### <- This is the start of the custom_indexes sub-section
index :category_id, unique: false ### <- This is an index description
index :manufacturer_id, unique: false
index :name, unique: false ### <- This is the end of the custom_indexes sub-section
migration_types average_lifetime_m: :integer, ### <- The migration_types sub-section allow us to describe
country_of_origin: :string, ### which ecto type we want for which Ash Resource attribute
description: :string,
image: :string,
name: :string,
reference: :string
end ### <- This is the end of our 'postgres' section
About the reference description, we needed to put it here because we wanted to add the on_delete: :delete
which translates to an ON DELETE CASCADE
on postgres language.
You can visit these 3 links from the official documentation for more information on how to manage references:
- References –
- DSL: AshPostgres.DataLayer – postgres.references –
- DSL: AshPostgres.DataLayer – postgres.references.reference –
Note that we will later define the relationship
section, in which we will be able to define the foreign keys etc…
We can add other options to a reference description if needed.
We only have to define non-unique indexes inside this section, or maybe more complex indexes if needed.
Unique indexes can be managed under the identities
section that we will look at the end of this article.
Doc about custom indexes is located here.
About the migration_types, it is a bit tricky here. We have an already existing database with :string
Ecto types which had been translated into :character varying(255)
inside our postgresql database.
The Ecto primitive types doesn’t translate exactly in the same way as the Ash built in types will translate.
Here are some documentation about how Ecto primitive types are mapped to the appropriate database type.
In most cases, this is not so much important, but because we are in a migration process from a framework to another, we need at first to comply with what has already been done on our project, including our database. Be compliant now will make the review much easier when we will later compare database schemas to ensure our migration is proper.
We can assume a few differences from our legacy database, but the less they are, the easier will be the comparison.
To your knowledge just be aware that:
Ecto Type →character varying(255)
in postgresql:string
Ash Type →text
in postgresql:integer
Ecto Type →integer
in postgresql:integer
Ash Type →bigint
in postgresql
There are probably other different conversions, but that’s the ones we’ve noticed in our project’s migration.
It is also possible to define your own custom types in Ash, if you really need something more specific.
attributes section
defmodule Prepair.AshDomains.Products.Product do
use Ash.Resource,
domain: Prepair.AshDomains.Products,
data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Notifications.{
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Products.{Category, Manufacturer, Part, ProductParts}
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Profiles.Ownership
require Ash.Query
postgres do
table "products"
repo Prepair.Repo
references do
reference :category, on_delete: :delete
reference :manufacturer, on_delete: :delete
custom_indexes do
index :category_id, unique: false
index :manufacturer_id, unique: false
index :name, unique: false
migration_types average_lifetime_m: :integer,
country_of_origin: :string,
description: :string,
image: :string,
name: :string,
reference: :string
attributes do ### <- This is the start of our 'attributes' section
uuid_primary_key :id ### <- This describes a primary key attribute, with a key
### named :id
attribute :average_lifetime_m, :integer
attribute :country_of_origin, :string
attribute :description, :string
attribute :end_of_production, :date
attribute :image, :string
attribute :name, :string, allow_nil?: false ### <- This describes an attribute with a key :name
### which is of :string type, and cannot be nullable
attribute :reference, :string, allow_nil?: false
attribute :start_of_production, :date
create_timestamp :inserted_at, type: :utc_datetime
update_timestamp :updated_at, type: :utc_datetime
end ### <- This is the end of our 'attributes' section
in an Ash Resource are the equivalent of fields
in an Ecto Schema, except you don’t declare any relations inside this section, because there is a dedicated section for them that we will see just after.
The main principle it that inside this section, you define all your Resource attributes (except relations), and it is done like that:
attribute <key_name>, <type>, <options…>
If there are many options, you can write it like:
attributes do
attribute <key_name>, <type> do
<option_1_key> <option_1_value>
<option_2_key> <option_2_value>
<option_3_key> <option_3_value>
Ash defines 4 ‘special attributes’, and we can find documentation on them here.
Basically, it’s attributes we need in a lot of cases:
→ postgresqluuid
type, not nullable, default togen_random_uuid()
→ postgresqlbigint
type, not nullable, default tonextval('<table_name>_id_seq'::regclass)
. Ash documentation do not recommend using auto-incrementing integer ids, but uuid instead, linking to explanations on it.create_timestamp
→ postgresqltimestamp without time zone
type, not nullable, default to(now() AT TIME ZONE 'utc'::text)
→ postgresqltimestamp without time zone
type, not nullable, default to(now() AT TIME ZONE 'utc'::text)
Look at these documentation pages for more explanations about attributes:
- Attributes –
- DSL: Ash.Resource.Dsl – attributes –
- DSL: Ash.Resource.Dsl – attributes.attribute –
relationship section
Now that we’ve described our Resource inside the postgres
and attributes
sections, we can move on the relationships
defmodule Prepair.AshDomains.Products.Product do
use Ash.Resource,
domain: Prepair.AshDomains.Products,
data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Notifications.{
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Products.{Category, Manufacturer, Part, ProductParts}
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Profiles.Ownership
require Ash.Query
postgres do
table "products"
repo Prepair.Repo
references do
reference :category, on_delete: :delete
reference :manufacturer, on_delete: :delete
custom_indexes do
index :category_id, unique: false
index :manufacturer_id, unique: false
index :name, unique: false
migration_types average_lifetime_m: :integer,
country_of_origin: :string,
description: :string,
image: :string,
name: :string,
reference: :string
attributes do
uuid_primary_key :id
attribute :average_lifetime_m, :integer
attribute :country_of_origin, :string
attribute :description, :string
attribute :end_of_production, :date
attribute :image, :string
attribute :name, :string, allow_nil?: false
attribute :reference, :string, allow_nil?: false
attribute :start_of_production, :date
create_timestamp :inserted_at, type: :utc_datetime
update_timestamp :updated_at, type: :utc_datetime
relationships do ### <- This is the start of the relationships section
belongs_to :category, Category do ### <- This is a belongs_to relationship description
source_attribute :category_id
destination_attribute :id
allow_nil? false
belongs_to :manufacturer, Manufacturer do
source_attribute :manufacturer_id
destination_attribute :id
allow_nil? false
many_to_many :parts, Part do ### <- This is a many_to_many relationship description
through ProductParts
source_attribute_on_join_resource :product_id
destination_attribute_on_join_resource :part_id
has_many :ownerships, Ownership do ### <- This is a has_many relationship description
source_attribute :id
destination_attribute :product_id
many_to_many :notification_templates, NotificationTemplate do
through ProductNotificationTemplates
source_attribute_on_join_resource :product_id
destination_attribute_on_join_resource :notification_template_id
end ### This is the end of the relationships section
These relationships are mostly easy to understand.
relationships will translates to references
in the database:
### Sample from the table "products" in our database
Foreign-key constraints:
"products_category_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES categories(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
has been defined in the postgres
su-section as we explained earlier on this article.
The foreign key category_id
is described here as the source_attribute
The source_attribute
will create an attribute on the current Resource. We could have omit them in our Resource description, as they default to the value we put, but as I mentioned before, I like to be verbose sometimes to fully understand what I’m doing.
The destination attribute
is the attribute from the Category Resource for instance, that will be fetched to populate the source attribute.
To keep the Category relationship example, the category_id
attribute will be populated with the :id
value from the Category we want to attach to that Product.
Note an important thing: by default, belongs_to
relationships are nullable. If we want to be certain that each Product will always have an attached Category and Manufacturer for instance, we have to precise that we don’t want these relations to be nullable with the option allow_nil?
set to false
We can define this Category relationship through a has_many
description inside the Category Resource, but it’s not an obligation, as it will change nothing on the database definition that will be generated. But it is still useful for some actions we would like to create later under the Category Resource.
### Inside the Prepair.AshDomains.Products.Category Resource
relationships do
has_many :products, Product do
source_attribute :id
destination_attribute :category_id
But remember that all the database logic from belongs_to
relations is handled by the Resource that belongs to the other, and not by the Resource which has many. In this detailed example case, all the logic is handled by the Product Resource.
It follows the same logical as has_many
relations: you put it in a Resource in front of a Resource with a belongs_to
Inside the Resource which has a has_one
relationship with one other, you define it like:
### If Product had a `has_one` relationship with a resource named OtherResource
### We would represent it like so in the Product Resource:
relationships do
has_one :other_resource, OtherResource do
source_attribute :id
destination_attribute :other_resource_id
relationships can sometimes be a bit more challenging, but their implementation remain simple in most cases when you understand what to do.
Our Products Resource for instance is linked to a Parts Resource in a many_to_many
First of all, as we did in the Ecto Schema, we have to define the join table which will associate many product_id
s with many part_id
But as we have already explained a few times, what differentiates Ash is that it will autogenerate migration files based on our Resources descriptions. All our database tables / schemas should be represented by Ash Resources. As the join table exists in our database and can be modified, it also have to exist inside an Ash Resource.
Here is how looks like our Ash Resource which represents the join table between our Product and our Part Resources:
defmodule Prepair.AshDomains.Products.ProductParts do
use Ash.Resource,
domain: Prepair.AshDomains.Products,
data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Products.{Product, Part}
postgres do
table "product_parts"
repo Prepair.Repo
references do
reference :product, on_delete: :delete
reference :part, on_delete: :delete
custom_indexes do
index :product_id, unique: false
index :part_id, unique: false
relationships do
belongs_to :product, Product do
source_attribute :product_id
destination_attribute :id
primary_key? true
allow_nil? false
belongs_to :part, Part do
source_attribute :part_id
destination_attribute :id
primary_key? true
allow_nil? false
In this table, we have simple belongs_to
relationships. It is something that we already seen above so it should be easier to understand now.
However there is one detail here: both belongs_to
relationships have the primary_key
option set to true
. That means the table will have a composite primary key, build from a product_id
and a part_id
. This ensures there can have many times the same product_id
in the table, and there can have many times the same part_id
in the table (none of them are independently a primary key here). But this also ensure there can have only one time a record with the same product_id
and part_id
together. That’s the definition of a many_to_many
relationship, so we’re good!
Note that we could have achieve this description of a many_to_many
relation in another way: without setting any primary key on that Resource, but with a unique index regrouping product_id
and part_id
that we could define through an identity
. This is the last section we will cover in this article so stay tuned a little more. But this strategy relying on a unique index could block us later if we want to add actions directly on this Resource representing the join table. It is a bit early to talk about that, but keep in mind this other way could later impose limitations (well, you could still modify the join Resource at this moment also…).
Just to get back on the many_to_many
description in our Product Resource, it also describes 2 keys:
many_to_many :parts, Part do
through ProductParts
source_attribute_on_join_resource :product_id
destination_attribute_on_join_resource :part_id
These keys are not directly mentioning the other related Resource (Part) itself, but the join table Resource.
- the source (= Product) attribute on the join Resource is named
. - the destination (= Part) attribute on the join Resource is named
Inside the join Resource, we see that product_id
is used in a belongs_to
relation to the Product Resource, and that it will be populated with the destination (= Product) id
Inside the join Resource, we see that part_id
id used in a belongs_to
relation to the Part Resource, and that it will be populated with the destination (= Part) id
We’re done for now with relationships, yeah :)
If you want to explore this subject further, there are good resources accessible at these links:
- Elixir, Phoenix and Ash blog by Stefan Wintermeyer – Relationships –
- Relationships in Ash Guides –
- DSL: Ash.Resource.Dsl –
The last link will give you all options you can use for declaring relationships.
identities section
This is the last section we need to fully translate our “products” table (in the database) to an Ash Product Resource.
Identities allow to describe unique indexes / constraints for attributes of our Resource.
We can also declare them in the postgres
section, under the custom_indexes
sub-section, but the AshPostgres documentation explains that:
In general, prefer to use
for simple unique constraints. This is a tool to allow for declaring more complex indexes.
This is probably because identities
will then allow us to get a Resource through the attributes we passed inside this section, directly with the Ash.get/3
function, but we don’t focus on functions nor actions for this part of our migration process.
Well, the rule to know is: if we just have a unique constraint to declare, just use identities
defmodule Prepair.AshDomains.Products.Product do
use Ash.Resource,
domain: Prepair.AshDomains.Products,
data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Notifications.{
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Products.{Category, Manufacturer, Part, ProductParts}
alias Prepair.AshDomains.Profiles.Ownership
require Ash.Query
postgres do
table "products"
repo Prepair.Repo
references do
reference :category, on_delete: :delete
reference :manufacturer, on_delete: :delete
custom_indexes do
index :category_id, unique: false
index :manufacturer_id, unique: false
index :name, unique: false
migration_types average_lifetime_m: :integer,
country_of_origin: :string,
description: :string,
image: :string,
name: :string,
reference: :string
attributes do
uuid_primary_key :id
attribute :average_lifetime_m, :integer
attribute :country_of_origin, :string
attribute :description, :string
attribute :end_of_production, :date
attribute :image, :string
attribute :name, :string, allow_nil?: false
attribute :reference, :string, allow_nil?: false
attribute :start_of_production, :date
create_timestamp :inserted_at, type: :utc_datetime
update_timestamp :updated_at, type: :utc_datetime
relationships do
belongs_to :category, Category do
source_attribute :category_id
destination_attribute :id
allow_nil? false
belongs_to :manufacturer, Manufacturer do
source_attribute :manufacturer_id
destination_attribute :id
allow_nil? false
many_to_many :parts, Part do
through ProductParts
source_attribute_on_join_resource :product_id
destination_attribute_on_join_resource :part_id
has_many :ownerships, Ownership do
source_attribute :id
destination_attribute :product_id
many_to_many :notification_templates, NotificationTemplate do
through ProductNotificationTemplates
source_attribute_on_join_resource :product_id
destination_attribute_on_join_resource :notification_template_id
identities do
identity :reference_manufacturer_id, [:reference, :manufacturer_id] ### <- Declaration of an identity
Yeah !!
Now our Product Resource fully describes all the characteristics that were already described in our database, so we can say this Resource is fully migrated, from its database definition! We will see how to verify it soon.
We just give a word on the identity description: here we are saying that the couple of product.reference
and product.manufacturer_id
attributes should be unique. That means only one Product can exist with that reference and that manufacturer.
The migration will then generate an index like:
### Sample from the table "products" in our database
"products_reference_manufacturer_id_index" UNIQUE, btree (reference, manufacturer_id)
If we wanted to say for instance that each Product should have a unique name, we would have simply described it as:
identities do
identity :name, [:name]
And it would have generate an index like:
"products_name_index" UNIQUE, btree (name)
The pattern to define an identity is:
identity <name_of_the_identity>, [<attribute_or_attributes_which_are_unique>]
You can find more information on identities via these links:
- Identites in Ash Guides –
- DSL: Ash.Resource.Dsl – identities –
Custom Statements
If we are not able to fully represent tables from our database inside Ash Resources with the four sections postgres
, attributes
, relationships
and identities
that we’ve seen:
- we can continue to read the docs and / or ask questions to the community, because Ash allow to describe many things in a clean way
- we can also use a special trick:
, which is a sub-section of thepostgres
are described here in the doc.
And here is an example of how we used them inside one of our Resource Description:
### Sample from our Users Resource
postgres do
table "users"
repo Prepair.Repo
custom_statements do
statement :users_id_fkey do
up "ALTER TABLE ONLY public.users
REFERENCES public.profiles(id)
down "DROP CONSTRAINT users_id_fkey"
statement :create_citext_extension do
statement :email_type do
up "ALTER TABLE ONLY public.users
down "ALTER TABLE ONLY public.users
statement :role_type do
up "ALTER TABLE ONLY public.users
down "ALTER TABLE ONLY public.users
These custom_statements
can really be useful when it comes to exactly reproduce what’s already in our database tables, because sometimes we can have slightly differences between our existing database, and what’s generated from our Ash Resources. As it can be annoying to reproduce some little details, we can sometimes go faster with brut statements in the postgresql language.
Read our next article: Migrate Ecto Schemas into Ash Resources (3/3)